Guide for Visitors to the National Gallery (1857)
Pelkinhorn's Steam Printing Office, D street, bet 6th & 7th sts.
To the Public
The National Gallery must continue to be an object of the greatest interest to all that visit it; for here may be found rare contributions from the various parts of the world.
The number of visitors to the hall cannot be less than one hundred thousand a year, although not more than one-tenth of them register their names.
1st. Articles belonging to the South Sea Exploring Expedition, under the command of Commander Charles Wilkes, U.S. Navy.
2d. Articles belonging to the General Government, including the specimens from Japan, brought home by Captain Perry, U.S. Navy.
3d. Collections belonging to the National Institute for the Promotion of Science.
4th. Numerous contributions from individuals, from Salt Lake, and other expeditions.
5th. Collections from the Washington Museum, deposited with the National Institute for the Promotion of Science.
John Varden, Curator
Directions to Visitors
On the right hand, inside the entrance door, will be found a Register for Visitors; also a person to take charge of canes and umbrellas, and to give visitors such information as they may require respecting the collection:
When inside the door turn to the right.
Dr. H. King, Dr. Chas. Pickering, T.R. Peale, James D. Dana, and others of the United States Exploring Expedition
Ordered by Hon. Chas Mason
Case 1. War Implements, etc., from the Fejee Islands. In this case is the war club with which Lieutenant Underwood was killed by the natives. It was picked up near the body by Mr. Eld, a midshipman from the ship to which the Lieutenant belonged. Mr. Eld cut his name on the club, so that he could identify it.
Case 2, in the alcove. Specimens in bottles, from the World's Fair of 1851. -- Prepared by order of Her Majesty's Commissioners, and presented through J.F. Crampton, British Minister, to the National Institute of the city of Washington.
Case in the window. Implements and trophies from the Mexican War.
Case 3, in the alcove. Specimens from the World's Fair of London of 1851, presented through Dr. Charles F. Stansbury, U.S. Commissioner, to the National Museum.
Case 4. Fishing Implements, etc., from the Fejee Islands.
Case 5. Wooden Idols, taken from the Temples; also pottery ware, clothing, bows and arrows, etc., from the Fejee Islands.
Case in the window. Specimens from the World's Fair of 1851, such as coal and iron, by Dr. Charles F. Stansbury, for the N.I.
Case 6. Personal Ornaments, etc., from the Fejee Islands, such as necklaces of human teeth, drum, flutes, etc.
Case 7. Implements, manufactures, etc., from Samoa, or Navigator Islands.
Case in the window. Specimens from the World's Fair of 1851, by Dr. Charles F. Stansbury.
Case 8. Implements, manufactures, etc., from Sandwich and Tonga Islands.
Case in the window. Specimens from Egypt, by George Gliddon, to the N.I.
Case 9. Implements, manufactures, etc., from Kingsmill, Paumotu, and Marquesas Islands, such as swords, spears, lances, etc., made of shark's teeth
Case against the wall. North American Indian curiosities, from War Department.
Case 10. Implements, manufactures, etc., from New Zealand.
Case in the window. Specimens from Egypt, by George Gliddon, to the N.I.
Case 11. Implements, manufactures, etc. from New Holland, Siam, Japan, and China; also on the lower shelf a Siam novel.
Case in the window. Specimens from Egypt, by George Gliddon, to the N.I.
Case 12. Implements, manufactures, etc., from East India Islands and Terra del Fuego; also on the bottom shelf, Hieroglyphical Tablets from Central America, examined and pronounced genuine by Mr. Stevens, the celebrated traveler in the country, when on a visit to this hall, sent to N.I.
Case 13. Implements, Manufactures, etc., from Oregon and California, and the northwest coast of America.
Case against the wall. North American Indian curiosities, from War Department.
Case in the window. Specimens from Egypt, by George Gliddon, to the N.I.
Case 14. American Manufactures, etc., to the National Gallery and N.I.
Case 15. American Manufactures, etc., to the National Gallery and N.I.
Case in the window. Specimens of Quartz and Crystals of Mexico, to the N.I.
Case 16. Minerals and Geological specimens from Sandwich Islands, such as sulphurs, lavas, etc.; also Dr. Judd's fine specimen of lava, taken up in a frying pan.
Case against the wall. Chinese Models, etc.
Case 17. Rocks and Earth from Icebergs near the Antarctic Land; Geological specimens from the Fejee Islands, Navigator Islands, Society Islands, Coral Islands, South Shetland, New Zealand, the Philippines, Madeira, and St. Helena.
Case in the window. Specimens of Silver, Quartz, and Crystals of Mexico, to the N.I.
Case 18. Minerals and Geological specimens from New Holland.
Case in the window. Specimens of Quartz and Crystals of Mexico, to the N.I.
Case 19. Minerals and Geological specimens from Brazil, Terra del Fuego, Chili and Peru; also, the gold and silver ores of Brazil.
Case against the wall. Specimens from Japan, presented by Captain Perry, United States Navy.
Case 20. Minerals and Geological specimens from Oregon and California; also, on the lower shelf, specimens collected by Lieutenant Fremont while on an official expedition to the Rocky Mountains.
Case in the window. Specimens of Fossils, etc., to the N.I.
Case 21. Coral Sponges, etc., of the United States Exploring Expedition, collected and arranged by J.D. Dana.
Case in the window. Guns, Pistols, and Balls used in Texas, to the N.I.
Case 22. Coral, Sponges, etc., of the United States Exploring Expedition, collected and arranged by J.D. Dana.
Case against the wall. Specimens from Japan, etc., by Captain Perry, United States Navy.
Case 23. Coral, Sponges, etc., of the United States Exploring Expedition, collected and arranged by J.D. Dana.
Case in the window. Specimens of Indian Axes, Spear and Arrow Heads, to the N.I.
Case 24. Geological specimens and Ores from Iowa, Wisconsin, and Indiana, collected by D.D. Owen, while on a Government survey.
Case in the window. General Andrew Jackson's Military Coat
Case 25. Smithson's personal effects -- to be removed, and the case filed with specimens from Japan, brought home by Captain Perry, United States Navy.
Case against the wall. Specimens of Japan, etc., by Captain Perry, United States Navy.
Case 26. Original Declaration of Independence, Relics of General George Washington, Treaties with foreign Powers, and Presents to officers in Government foreign employment.
Case in the window. Relics; also David Crockett's Tomahawk
Case 27. Insects deposited by Mr. Castelnau, with the National Institute, Francis Markoe being his agent.
Case in the window. Specimens of Wax Fruit.
Case 28. Franklin's Printing Press, deposited with the N.I. by John B. Murray, of New York, in 1842.
Case in the window. Specimens of Wax Fruit
Case 29. Insects deposited by M. Castelnau with the N.I., Frs. Markoe being his agent.
Case 30. American collection from Salt Lake, by Captain Howard Stansbury, of the United States Army.
Case in the window. Specimens of Woods.
Case 31. Collections of the N.I. and W.M., such as Swords, Guns, Pistols, etc.
Case in the window. Specimens of Woods.
Case 32. Collections of the N.I. and W.M., such as the two- headed Calf, and many other Lusus Naturae.
Case 33. Mammalia, etc., such as the American Elk, the Virginia and Patagonia Deer, the Guanaca adult and young of South America.
Case 34. Mammalia, etc., such as seals, and the under jaw of the Sperm Whale, said to be about four months old; also the tooth of the old whale, said to be a hundred-barrel whale.
Case 35. Mammalia, etc., such as the Virginia Deer, Head and Horns of the Moose from Nova Scotia, and the Horns of the great Antelope; also, the Peccary, or Wild Hog of Mexico, and the small Musk Deer of Molacca.
Case 36. Mammalia, etc., such as the Ant Bears, Egyptian Porcupine; also a collection of Birds and Quadrupeds from British Guiana Colony, by Rev. Charles Denison, U.S. Consul
Case 37. Mammalia, etc., such as Wolves, Foxes, Jackals, Wild Cats; also, two fine Albatrosses, on the wing.
Case 38. Mammalia, etc., such as the Opossums, Kangaroos, Orang Outang, Monkeys, and Bats.
Case 39. Fishes in Alcohol, not arranged.
Case 40. Peruvian Mummies, Human Crania from various regions, including the Skull of the Fejee Chief Vandovi; also, two Egyptian Mummies, from John Varden's W.M.
Case 41. Specimens in Alcohol, such as Fishes, Snakes, Lizards, Frogs, etc.
Case 42. Specimens in Alcohol, such as Shells and Crustacea.
Case in the window. Specimens of Woods
Case 43. Ornithological Specimens of the United States Exploring Expedition.
Case 44. Birds belonging to the N.I. and Captain Sitgreave's collections.
Case in the window. Specimens of Woods
Case 45. Ornithological Specimens of the United States Exploring Expedition.
Case in the window. Specimens of Woods
Case 46. Ornithological Specimens of the United States Exploring Expedition.
Case 47. Ornithological Specimens of the United States Exploring Expedition.
Case in the window. Specimens of Woods
Case 48. Ornithological Specimens of the United States Exploring Expedition.
Case in the window [sic]
Case 49. Ornithological Specimens of the United States Exploring Expedition.
Case 50. Ornithological Specimens of the United States Exploring Expedition.
Case in the window. Specimens of Seeds, Nuts, etc., Ex. Ex. and N.I.
Case 51. Ornithological Specimens of the United States Exploring Expedition.
Case 52. Ornithological Specimens of the United States Exploring Expedition.
Case 53, in the alcove. Tin Cases for the Herbarium of the Exploring Expedition, including upwards of 10,000 species of plants.
Case in the window and alcove. Specimens of Fibre, Roots, Food and Fancy Articles from the Colony of British Guiana, presented through J.F. Crampton, British Minister, to the N.I.
Case 54, in the alcove. Same as case 53 -- Tin Cases for the Herbarium of the Exploring Expedition.
Case 55. Ornithological Specimens of the United States Exploring Expedition.
Now go down to the door of the Model room, for the centre cases, and go from East to West.
Case 56. Crustacea of the United States Exploring Expedition; below, Reptiles, Tortoise, etc., in part Exploring Expedition, the N.I. and W.M.
Case 57. Crustacea of the United States Exploring Expedition; below, Reptiles, in part belonging to the N.I. and W.M.
Case 58. Echini and Star Fish, of the United States Exploring Expedition; below, Fishes, in part belonging to the N.I. and W.M.
Case 59. Shells from the East Indies, including the Land Shells of Luzon, of United States Exploring Expedition; below, Fishes, in part N.I. and W.M.
Case against the pillar. Birds from British Guiana to the N.I.
Case 60. Shells of the United States Expedition; below, Statuary, N.I. and Shawls presented to the diplomatic officers of this Government.
Case against the pillar. Manufactures of Japan, by Captain Perry, United States Navy.
Case 61. Shells of the United States Exploring Expedition; below, Specimens from British Guiana, such as the Canoe, Paddles, Spears, Blow-Guns, poisoned Arrows, and specimens of wood for cabinet uses.
Case 62. Shells of the United States Exploring Expedition; below, specimens from Japan, by Captain Perry, U.S.N.
Case 63. Shells of the United States Exploring Expedition; below, a very interesting collection from the Amazon river, by Lieut. William L. Herndon, of the United States Navy, assisted by Lieut. Gibbons, while exploring that river; also, boxes of specimens belonging to the W.M.
Case 64. Shells of the United States Exploring Expedition; below, curiosities of the North American Indians, from the War Department and W.M.; also, a China Plough and Harness complete -- purchased by Dr. James Morrow, of the Japan Expedition.
Large Oil Paintings
Beginning at the Right of the Entrance Door
No. 1. Job and his Comforters -- Artist, Spagniolette. Presented by R.M. Gibbs, Sr., M.D., to the N.I.S.
No. 2. Constantinople. -- Artist unknown. Purchased at the sale of Cardinal Fiesche's collection, by Thomas Lloyd Halsey, and by him presented to the N.I., said to be several hundred years old.
No. 3. General Marion offering a sweet potato dinner to a British officer. -- Artist, H.C. Flag, U.S.N., who presented it to the N.I.
No. 4. M. Guizot, Prime Minister to Louis Philippe, King of France. -- Artist, G.P.A. Healy. Presented to the American Government by the Americans then residing in Paris.
No. 5. Moorish Battle Piece -- Artist unknown. Belonging to the W. Museum
No. 6. Massacre of Innocents -- Artist unknown. Belonging to the W. Museum.
No. 7. A Cardinal of Olden Times. Artist unknown. Belonging to the W. Museum.
No. 8. A Sioux Chief -- Artist, Charles King. Belonging to the War Department.
No. 9. Okee-maa-kie-quid -- Artist, Charles King. Belonging to the War Department
No. 10. Black Hawk -- Artist, Charles King. Belonging to the War Department.
No. 11. Hon. William C. Preston, U.S. Senator from South Carolina -- Artist, G.P.A. Healy. Presented to the N.I. by the personal friends of Mr. Preston, in Washington city.
No. 12. John Tyler, ex-President of the United States -- Artist, G.P.A. Healy. Presented to the N.I. by the personal friends of Mr. Tyler, in Washington city.
No. 13. John Tyler, ex-President of the United States. -- Artist, Earl. Presented to the N.I. by Major W.H. Chase, U.S. Engineers.
No. 14. Hon. Thomas Corwin, of Ohio -- Artist, J.M. Stanley. Presented by the N.I. by the personal friends of Mr. Corwin, in Washington city.
No. 15. Kee-O-kuck -- Artist, Charles King. Belonging to the War Department
No. 16. Tshusick, or Cornelia Barben -- Artist, Charles King. Belonging to the War Department.
No. 17. Red Jacket -- Artist, Charles King. Belonging to the War Department
No. 18. Tukosee-mathla -- Artist, Charles King. Belonging to the War Department.
No. 19. Captain John Evans. -- Artist, Copley. Presented to the N.I. by Estwick Evans.
No. 20. Turkish Sultan, Mahmoud 1st -- Artist unknown. Presented to the N.I. by Mrs. Commodore Rogers.
No. 21. Waa-na-taa -- Artist, Charles King. Belonging to the War Department.
No. 22. Chippewa Squaw and Child -- Artist, Charles King. Belonging to the War Department.
No. 23. Don Vincent Guerro, ex-President of the Mexican Republic -- Artist unknown. Presented to the N.I.
No. 24. Black Abraham. -- Artist unknown. This negro was famous as a leader in the Florida war.
No. 25. An original, full-length likeness of General George Washington -- Artist, Chas. W. Peale, of Philadelphia. This likeness was taken by Mr. Peale for General Lafayette, intended as a present to the King of France. It came into the possession of Count De Meno, who deposited it with the N.I. in 1842.
Plaster Busts
No. 26. Hon. Daniel Webster -- Artist, Clark Mills
No. 27. Hon. Dixon H. Lewis -- Artist, Clark Mills
No. 28 Francis P. Blair, Esq. -- Artist, Clark Mills
No. 29 A fine Antique Head, from the Old Columbian Institute, taken from one of the buried cities. Belonging to the N.I.
No. 30. A fine Antique Medallion, from the Old Columbian Institute, taken from one of the buried cities. Belonging to the N.I.
No. 31. Hon. Levi Woodbury. -- Artist unknown
No. 32. M. Cuvier. -- Artist, P. Merlieux
No. 33. Hon. Henry Clay -- Artist, Pettrich.
No. 34. Hon. John C. Spencer. -- Artist, Pettrich
No. 35. General Z. Taylor. -- Artist, Clark Mills
No. 36. General Andrew Jackson -- Artist unknown
No. 37. Martin Van Buren -- Artist, Pettrich
No. 38. Hon. Joel R. Poinsett -- Artist, Pettrich
No. 39. Dr. William Thornton, first Superintendent of the Patent Office -- Artist, unknown.
No. 40. Robert Burns -- Artist, J.C. King, 1840
No. 41. General George Washington -- Artist unknown
No. 42. William Norris, Esq. -- Artist unknown
No. 43. Clark Mills, Esq., Sculptor
No. 44. Hon. A. Kendall -- Artist, Pettrich
No. 45. Miss Fairfield -- Artist, Clark Mills
No. 46. Miss Hampton -- Artist, Clark Mills
No. 47. Colonel Peter Force, ex-Mayor of Washington city -- Artist, John Ph. Weimer, 1851
No. 48. Hon. George McDuffie -- Artist, Clark Mills
No. 49. Hon. John C. Calhoun -- Artist, Clark Mills
No. 50. Hon. Wm. C. Preston -- Artist, Clark Mills
No. 51. Hon. John Forsythe -- Artist unknown
No. 52. John Vaughn -- Artist, Pettrich, 1841
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