Statement of receipts and expenditures of the Patent Office for the year
Amount received from all sources $95,738.61
Amount of expenditures of all kinds 86,916.93
Amount carried to the credit of Patent fund for 1851 8,821.68
Patent Fund, January 1, 1851
Amount of fund, January 1, 1851 $15,331.27
Amount carried to patent fund for 1851 8,221.68
Amount remaining in the treasury to the credit of
the Patent Fund January 1, 1852 24,152.95
Statement of applications on hand January 1, 1851, and number
received during the year and acted upon
Number of cases on examiners' desks January 1, 1851 169
Number of applications received in 1851 2,258
Number of cases before the office during the year 2,427
Number of patents issued during the year 869
Number of applications remaining unexamined 155
Number of rejections and suspensions 1,403
_____ 2,427
Statement showing amount of fees received and number of
applications and caveats filed during each month of the year
Month Cash Certifics Small Total Appls Caveats
Recd Recd fees Recd Filed Filed
Jan $2,860.00 $3,845.00 $477.97 $7,182.97 183 78
Feb 4,095.00 5,340.00 549.06 9,984.06 211 93
Mar 3,650.00 5,159.00 982.45 9,782.45 237 72
Apr 3,195.00 4,021.00 531.92 7,747.92 184 73
May 3,669.00 4,835.00 419.78 8,953.78 218 52
Jun 3,487.00 5,475.00 635.59 9,579.59 187 50
Jul 3,310.09 2,725.00 524.44 6,559.44 178 61
Aug 2,745.00 2.810.00 358.37 5,913.37 141 52
Sep 4,400.00 3,110.00 669.15 8,179.15 229 55
Oct 4,225.00 2,955.00 401.30 7,581.30 150 64
Nov 4,465.00 2,855.00 428.73 7,748.73 171 49
Dec 2,725.00 3,045.00 737.85 6,507.85 169 61
_________ _________ ________ __________ _____ ___
Tot 42,826.00 46,196.00 6,716.61 95,738.61 2,258 760
Table exhibiting the business of the office for the last
eleven years, and the necessity of an increase of permanent
clerical forces
Years Appls Caveats Patents Amt of Amt of
Filed Filed Issued Cash Cash
Recd Expended
1841 847 312 495 $40,413.01 $23,065.87
1842 761 291 517 36,505.68 31,241.43
1843 819 315 531 35,315.81 30,776.96
1844 1,045 389 502 42,509.26 36,344.73
1845 1,246 452 502 51,076.14 39,295.65
1846 1,272 448 619 50,264.16 46,158.71
1947 1,531 533 572 63,111.19 41,878.35
1848 1,628 607 660 67.576.69 58,905.84
1849 1,955 595 1,076 80,752.78 77,716.44
1850 2,193 602 295 86,927.05 80,100.95
1851 2,258 760 869 95,738.61 86,916.93
The foregoing statistics exhibit a very large increase of business in this office for the last eleven years; and by reference to the table it will be seen that the increase for 1851 is in full proportion with the former years. This accumulation of business has been provided for from time to time by Congress, in authorizing necessary additions to the examining force. This force for the present is deemed sufficient. But there are still departments of the business and labor of the office which have increased in a corresponding ratio with the examinations, and no provision made by Congress to relieve them. Hence the suggestions in relation to the increase of clerical force, in the preceding pages.
Table showing the number of patents, reissues, designs, and additional improvements granted at the Patent Office in Washington during each month of the year 1851
J F M A M J J A S O N D Total
Total Patents 56 38 46 64 57 57 81 60 75 76 72 69 751
Reissues 5 2 6 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 25
Designs 7 4 10 8 8 12 15 1 11 5 5 4 90
Addl Improvements 1 1 1 3
Extensions 9
Disclaimers 3
Not included in
this table __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___
68 44 62 73 71 70 98 61 87 82 79 74 869
Table showing the number of patents issued to citizens of different states during the year 1851
State No
Maine 9
Vermont 12
New Hampshire 17
Massachusetts 121
Rhode Island 9
Connecticut 53
New York 235
New Jersey 15
Pennsylvania 77
Delaware 3
Maryland 10
Virginia 8
North Carolina 2
South Carolina 4
Georgia 8
Alabama 2
Mississippi 1
Louisiana 4
Arkansas --
Tennessee 4 Patents, reissues, designs
Kentucky 8 and additional improvements are
Ohio 76 all included in this table
Michigan 5
Indiana 13
Illinois 10
Missouri 8
Florida --
Texas 2
Iowa 2
Wisconsin 4
District of Columbia 11
Foreign 18
Total 869
Papers and Abstracts relating to Early American Inventions
From the Archives of the States
No returns have been received under this head during the past year. This is to be regretted, as there is reason to believe much interesting matter still remains unexplored in State and municipal documents, and in the collections of societies and individuals. With the view of reminding statesmen, historical and archaeological societies, and citizens at large, of the importance of embodying the desired information in the Reports of this Office, for the use of future historians of the arts, their attention is again invited to the Circulars, issued on the subject, the one marked [A] to Governors of States and Territories, and [B] to members of Congress.
The United States Patent Office
Sir: Endeavoring to trace up the history of American inventions as a duty appertaining to this Bureau, and supposing that interesting facts may lie hidden in the archives of the various States, particularly in the records of patents, of which some are known to have been granted under colonial rule, and others by more or less of the States, previous to their conceding the right to the general government, I respectfully request to be furnished with copies of any such documents as may be on file in the State Department of your State, the expense of which will be cheerfully borne by this Office.
It is well known that the application of machinery to many branches of art was begun, and has been brought to its present degree of perfection, almost solely by the ingenuity and labors of our countrymen. I need hardly instance the working of lumber, improvements in ploughs, the cut nail and card making mechanism; yet definite information respecting these and other inventions, while in their infancy, is entirely wanting.
It is necessary that this Office should possess information on these points, the law clearly requiring, though not in express terms, that descriptions of all known inventions should be within reach, that patents may not be granted for things previously secured. Irrespective of the light they will reflect on the origin of inventions to which they relate, and early struggles of inventors, an increasing interest will be attached to them as matters of enlightened curiosity.
Information respecting the forms of patents, length of time for which they were granted, fees paid, etc., will be highly acceptable, as also anything relating to the early progress of the arts in your State.
In case no official documents of the kind are on file, may I beg the favor of your referring the subject to any literary or scientific society, or to private individuals who may be in possession of the information sought.
With sentiments of high regard, I have the honor to be your obedient servant,
Thomas Ewbank, Commissioner
His Excellency ---------, Governor of -------
[Note -- It is not known that patents were issued for inventions in Louisiana by the French, or in Florida, Texas, and New Mexico by the Spaniards; but if any were granted, copies of them would be of unusual interest.]
United States Patent Office
Sir: A copy of the accompanying Circulars has been addressed to each of the governors of the States and Territories of the Union, and I respectfully solicit your co-operation in furthering the objects sought to be accomplished. Whatever assistance or advice your more important engagements may permit you to give, will be highly appreciated.
There are, it is believed, among your constituents, descendants of old inventors and patentees, who, having documents of the kind referred to in their possession, would be glad to have them filed in this Office, and noticed in its Reports, as an act of justice to the ingenuity and memories of their ancestors.
I have the honor to be, with sentiments of high regard, your obedient servant,
Thomas Ewbank
Hon. -----
[This report also includes a lengthy section entitled "Information to persons having Business to Transact at the United States Patent Office." It is not copied here. KWD]
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